Kshetry Foundation
We work for a cause not applause…
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a Non-Profit Organization engaged in socio economic upliftment of the society. Our NGO, Kshetry Foundation, which started a couple of months ago by our founder member to bring about positive changes in the society, are specially working tirelessly towards uplifting the lives of the people of rural area who are still somewhat backward in society yet, from the lights of improvements of the cities, who are still not having the proper idea about the advance developments of medical science, law and other necessary things of our country as well as to help the innocent prisoners where the person got indulged incorrectly in false/wrong cases, legal issues, under privileged children, their families, orphans and persons of old age home, and slum dwellers as also to bring positive behavioral changes in the lives.
We ‘Kshetry Foundation’ are here to help the unprivileged people, the people who are about to drown in their own problems. Maybe it can be difficulty in any means of issues where the sufferer is/are alone and waiting for someone to hold their hand or be beside them to help them and to guide them to the right path. We all are well aware of the pathetic conditions of the rural areas and their heard lives. We shall be helping them to be self-dependent by doing various cultural activities and teaching them small skills, and do the necessary counseling to modify and fortify their mental strength. We will be by their side and help them at our best ability.

Rural people in India in general, and tribal populations in particular, have their own beliefs and practices regarding health. Some tribal groups still believe that a disease is always caused by hostile spirits or by the breach of some taboo. They therefore seek remedies through magic religious practices. On the other hand, some rural people have continued to follow rich, undocumented, traditional medicine systems, in addition to the recognized cultural systems of medicine such Ayurveda, unani, siddha and naturopathy, to maintain positive health and to prevent disease. The basic nature of rural health problems is attributed also to lack of health literature and health consciousness, poor maternal and child health services and occupational hazards.
The major problem that the people of rural area faces are poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, homelessness and crime and violence. Poverty is the condition, when the individuals experience scarcity of resources that are necessary to sustain their living conditions appropriately. We are taking initiatives for establishing the image with inherent dignity and potential, Prison Fellowship takes a restorative approach to those affected by crime and incarceration. Our programming equips men and women for productive futures, replacing the cycle of crime and incarceration. Join us in God’s call to “remember those in prison,” caring for those incarcerated and creating safer communities both behind and beyond the walls.
There are a large number of under trials who suffer inordinately for no fault of theirs and the inhuman treatment they undergo and we all are well aware of the pathetic conditions the inmates are compelled to stay in prisons today as also the inhuman treatment meted out to them. Even bails do not come easily for the under privileged thus leaving them to suffer for crimes not committed at times. The pandemic has added fuel to the fire.
We would like to provide them correctional facilities. They have become victims and maybe due to lack of strong social or financial ability and non-guidance or proper knowledge of legal matters they have got accused or arrested as criminals. We would love to be beside them and their family, friends and communities. Our motto is to spread awareness of the fundamental rights of people and make people aware of basic legal matters and human rights.
Apart from all these, the recent super storm Yaas which wreaked havoc in West Bengal district areas earlier this week, uprooting trees, battering the coastal areas of West Bengal resulting in thousands becoming homeless leaving trails of destruction. Cyclone Yaas whiplashed the coastal areas of West Bengal and leaving behind a trail of damaged homes, miseries and flooded farmland. Not only this mentioned one, apart from this, there are many more cyclones and heavy storms that hits every year.
Our NGO extends our helping hand to such people as we believe that each and every person are God’s children and have the right to live a decent and peaceful life. We may have taken baby steps in this field but wish to bring to your notice that we provide counseling sessions for inmates, conduct craft work activities as also facilitate product sales, organize cultural activities and provide free legal assistance to the juveniles and women inmates. We also aim to impart education to the children of the slums or the outskirts of the city who have no minimum or no access to education We have taken the responsibility of upliftment of the under privileged and down trodden community on a war footing and have achieved measurable success in a short span of time. We have also extended our ever helping hand to the mute and hapless animals who are the worst affected in this pandemic situation with no food because of shut down everywhere and left to fend for themselves or die.
We wish to carry forward our ambitious projects to make our country a better place and we would be highly honored and obliged for any extended support to enable us to carry our benevolent activities.